Old Saybrook Parks & Recreation
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Winter Break - December - Vacation Camp

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Vacation Camp
Looking for something fun and exciting for your child to do while school is out? Sign them up for vacation camp where they will participate in activities such as  dodge ball, kickball, arts–n-crafts and so much more! Please pack a snack, lunch, drinks and active clothes. This program runs from 9:00am - 4:00pm at the Rec Center for those in grades, K - 5.

Camp Notes
If your child needs to have medicine administered while at camp, a Authorization for the Administration of Medication completed by your child's physician, must be on file

Per Connecticut General Statute 19a-77 we are required to disclose that our programs are not licensed by the State Office of Early Childhood.

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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